How Do You Know When it’s Time to Call the Experts In?

Unfortunately, too many small business owners stubbornly decide that once the doors officially open on their new venture, they will try their best to do everything on their own. That means they interview, hire, train and fire employees, create and follow a business plan, develop marketing strategies, secure some type of community presence, find a way to work with all types of vendors, repair whatever is broken, order whatever supplies are needed… oh, and also take care of payroll while also staying abreast of any changes in business and payroll taxes. Whew.
Unless you have a super hero cape hanging somewhere in your office, you might want to keep the contact information for The Payroll Department on speed dial. We warn you that, despite your best intentions to cut costs by taking care of everything yourself, you are actually at high risk for costing your new business some serious cash.
Far too many small business owners lack the necessary skills AND TIME to do their own payroll accurately. Maybe you are a marketing magician or the queen of customer service. But that doesn’t mean that your organizational skills and research abilities are at the level they should be to keep accurate payroll and tax records.
Here are some other ways to know that it is definitely time to call on The Payroll Department for professional payroll services that will always keep your small business miles away from tax law headaches and audit nightmares.
- Maybe you know some other small business owners who keep payroll in-house and also manage to spend time with their families. But unfortunately, you aren’t one of them.
- You are on a first-name basis with the guy at the IRS. That should be your hint that you call too frequently with questions The Payroll Department would happily resolve for you.
- You are so stressed that you recently wrote 1999 on employees’
- You have been known to throw things and say bad words when it’s time to do
Leadership takes means forms. Being able to delegate and outsource tasks such as payroll is known to be one of the strongest skills a leader should possess. Strong leaders and small business owners know that by removing tasks and the responsibility for expertise in every area of their business they are open to using their strengths to devote their time to those activities that are more productive and profitable for the company as a whole.
Let the experts at The Payroll Department be the experts in payroll. You take that time to find and service more clients and make more money. It just makes sense. Call Teresa Ray today to find out how easy it can be.
-Sherri of The Payroll Department Blog Team